Summary of what I learned from The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

Unlocking Life's Magic: Earl Nightingale's "Strangest Secret" Made Simple

Sat Sep 9, 2023

"You become what you think about."

Sounds easy, right? That's because it is. But don't let its simplicity fool you; this idea can totally turn things around for you.

Dear Mindful Trading Hub Family! Ever heard of a secret that's so simple yet incredibly powerful? That's what we're diving into today – Earl Nightingale's "Strangest Secret." Don't worry; it's not complicated at all. In fact, it might just change your life. 

I have confidence in this because I have been listening to this for almost a year after my mentor recommended this podcast to me.

So, what's this strangest secret all about? Well, here it is: "You become what you think about." Sounds easy, right? That's because it is. But don't let its simplicity fool you; this idea can totally turn things around for you.

Imagine your mind as a magical wand. Whatever you focus on with that wand – your dreams, your goals, or even your worries – starts to come true. It's like making a wish, but you're making it happen.

Earl Nightingale's secret is like a friendly nudge to take control of your thoughts. If you keep thinking about the things you want, you're more likely to get them. But if you fill your head with doubts and negativity, that's what you'll attract.

Let's break it down even further:

1. Goals are Your North Star: Think of goals like your treasure map. Knowing where you're going helps your thoughts steer you in the right direction.

2. Like Attracts Like: Ever heard of the saying "birds of a feather flock together"? It's kind of like that. Think happy, and you'll find more reasons to be happy.

3. Learning is Your Superpower: Nightingale encourages us to keep learning. The more you know, the better equipped you are to make your dreams come true.

4. Mind Your Mind: Be careful what you let into your head. Negative stuff can slow you down, so keep it out!

5. Don't Give Up: Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. But when things get tough, remember this secret. Keep going, and you'll get there.

"The Strangest Secret" isn't a complicated puzzle to solve; it's more like a friendly reminder to stay positive and focused on what you want. Earl Nightingale's message has inspired many people to reach their dreams, and it can inspire you too.

In a nutshell, Earl Nightingale's "Strangest Secret" is like a magic spell for your mind. It's a reminder that your thoughts are more powerful than you think. So, embrace this simple secret, and you might just find yourself on a magical journey towards a better, brighter life.

I have uploaded the complete Speech of Earl Nightingale. Download it from here.

A full-time trader, Trading Coach, Hustler, and dreamer with a mission to empower 1 lakh traders to become successful, not only in trading but in every aspect of their lives.